Child Care

Our child care program serves children 6 weeks to 3-years-old.

Daily Routines

Daily routines are paramount for infant and toddler development. The daily schedule includes free choice play time, exploration of the natural world outdoors, large motor opportunities, nutritious snacks, rest time, and walks in the community. Infants are supported in developing predictable sleeping patterns and feeding schedules in close communication with families. Our center has received an award from the state for being “breastfeeding friendly” and parents are welcome to visit at any time.

Our morning and afternoon snacks are sometimes prepared by the children and in the summertime we grow some of our own vegetables. Mealtimes begin with a social gathering time with rhythm games and songs. We accommodate dietary needs and are attentive to allergies and food safety. Mealtimes provide opportunities for the development of self-help skills, and children are encouraged to help prepare the tables, wash hands, use utensils, select food choices and “bus” their own dishes when they are done eating. When children are ready for a single nap, the rest time follows lunch and children are settled on mats.


The child care classrooms include a mix of ages and abilities and our curriculum is responsive to the changing needs of the group as the children mature and grow into the routines and culture of the classroom. Staff provide play opportunities to nurture attachment and scaffold learning in a variety of ways. Sometimes described as “emergent curriculum”, our emphasis is on the support of the individual within the group. Our childcare staff help children make connections with others and with a larger world. Toward that end we provide a variety of simple open-ended activities – sensory exploration, large motor play opportunities, music and art, constructive play, “house play” and other dramatic play, and plenty of small group connections with books or at tables with quiet activities. Emerging language is supported by careful observation of individual communication strategies, sign language and predictable routines, and staff are trained to use encouraging methods to draw out children’s expression.

What Our Families Say

The following are excerpts from notes from parents as their children graduated from Rise Child Care:

“To all the wonderful teachers and staff at Rise, I have learned how to …wait for my turn…say please, thank you and “No Thank You”!… sing “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star”…use my words instead of my teeth to communicate my displeasure…be curious about bugs…talk to tadpoles…tell jokes…share toys…do the hokey-pokey…make and play musical instruments…say “oh man”…march in a parade…play with shopping carts…make friends…be gentle…get crazy (ok I already knew that!) …give hugs…paint pictures…roll out play dough…glue anything onto paper…not throw toys…be sweet with my baby dolls…smell the flowers…”read’ books…wash my hands…clean the table…help keep the babies safe…use the potty…make friends…live happy…laugh often…love my teachers!”

“Rise is a very special place made up of a lot of extraordinary people. We’re so grateful for the exceptional care and nurturing our girls, and their mom and dad, have received here. It’s hard to say goodbye!”

About Our Staff

We are fortunate to have a team that fosters warm relationships among care givers, children and parents. Care givers provide developmentally appropriate activities throughout the day making use of naturally occurring routines such as washing hands and getting ready to go outside to gently encourage learning. Singing, reading books, exploring sensory activities, outside play, growing flowers and vegetables are designed to nourish the child’s curiosity. Care givers are at all times conscious of shaping their own language to not only provide appropriate communication models but also to help children develop language to express their wishes and feelings and navigate the world of toddler play.

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Rise serves more than 250 children birth to three annually with early intervention and child care programs.